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About Us

Networld It Solutions is a professionally managed company with a qualified management and technical team providing end-to-end Information Technology solutions for medium and large business enterprises.

We Networld It Solutions, are a well reckoned distributor, exporter and supplier of computer accessories and peripherals. Our wide assortment of products comprise several computer hardware components and accessories like laser printers, inkjet printers, LCD monitors, desktop range, laptop range and UPS. Sourced from some of the well known manufacturers such as Sony , HP ,Canon , Dell , Acer , Samsung , IBM , our range is available in varied models as desired by our clients.

At Networld It Solutions, our mantra to built customer loyalty is through timely and efficient service. Understanding the demands of the corporate world and our ever-ready attitude has won us many prestigious projects.

Our technical aptitude is matched by our positive attitude towards problem solving and resource management of our customer needs.

Since inception, we have added many clients to our list, but we are more proud of the fact that we have now client relationships that span well over a decade.

In pursuit of excellence, we as an integrated company make sure that we follow ethical business principles and work in tandem with the underlying policies of the trade. We promise our clients with 100% original products at competent prices, which offers them complete satisfaction in terms of quality and performance.